Ancient City Slickers

The Ancient City Slickers are a group of musicians from the Saint Augustine, Florida area. Slickers music is hard to put into just one category. We mix a little old time with some bluegrass, throw in some Tin Pan Alley, Americana, folk and novelty songs--and you've got the Slickers playbook.


The sound is unique, too. The Ancient City Slickers on any particular song may employ banjos, tuba, washboard, percussion, guitar, washtub bass (aka gutbucket), kazoos.


We call our brand of music Big Fun Music, because it's a big sound and it's big fun listening and playing our songs in Slickers' style.


The Ancient City Slickers play festivals around the Northeast Florida area, and are repeat performers at the Florida Folk Festival, and many times repeat performers at the St Augustine Summer Concert Series downtown on Thursday nights and the Barberville festivals and the Sing Out Loud festival.


Russ Thomas

Russ plays the 4 string banjo, kazoo, and shares in the singing duties. Outside of the band, Russ is a real estate magnate.

Kayla Douglas

Kayla plays the percussion for the group--maracas, tambourine, washboard, bodhran, and sings backup. Outside of the band, she is the proprietor of Sea Bridge Landing Antiques, St Augustine, Florida. 

Chuck Kranz

Chuck has played the tuba for 50 years (yikes!) and has sung for even longer. He also plays the gutbucket with the band, along with slide whistle, kazoo, harmonica, melodica, and trumpet. Chuck is a software consultant when he is not doing band stuff.

Eric Douglas

Eric plays guitar for the Slickers, having over 35 years of experience on guitar. A St. Augustine native (6th generation!) , he loves the sun, sand and surf.


The Slickers play parties, barbecues, festivals, retirement homes, gatherings, and anywhere else that requires fun, toe-tapping, sing-along songs that are sure to make everyone come away with an old song or two stuck in their heads.