
For any number of reasons, people are displaced and looking for new locations to call home. When the they finally settle in a place, they find that the truest search was not for home but, for family. When is found, new bonds are formed and a new future dawns. This is the story of DigDog.

DigDog is the product of Florida's Brad Metz, Russian Dynamo Alexei Dotsenko and man of the world, Jack Ringca. Three very different minds, from very different places with very different backgrounds finding each other and resulting in high energy rock n roll with a very different flavor.

With traces of virtuosic classical musicianship, quirky progressive songwriting, post-punk spirit and so much more, DigDog is emerging from the trials of the last two years with an album of fresh sounds, and a new approach.

While DigDog does have previous releases, the band has spent the time during the pandemic to refocus and produce an album that feels like a true debut. Much of 2020 was spent hold up writing, editing, and rewriting the batch of songs that would become their new release "Homeless Theatre". The result is an experience that ensures feelings of positivity, resolve, joy and determiniation. In the end, the album will leave you knowing that you not only found a sonic landscape to call home but, also a new trio of people to call family. DigDog welcomes you.